Cassandra Jean Kennedy


Cassandra is a full-time working and teaching artist in western NY and eastern MA. She ranges in media, not limited to a single form of expression, but is primarily drawn to ceramics and acrylics. Her work has been sold both domestically and internationally.

As part of her integrated practice, Cassandra focuses on developing all aspects of wellbeing, understanding that creative energy applies just as much to constructing one’s life as it does to the generation of artwork. She and her family reside in rural NY, where they live in connection with the outdoors. She enjoys being surrounded by the chatter of birds in the day and the calling of owls and coyotes at night. For her mental health, Cassandra maintains a minimal social media presence, finding it an overstimulating distraction from true connectedness. She practices yoga, and is inspired by the physicallity of her art, finding that the two practices are one and the same.

Artist Statement:

I was always an artist at heart. From the time I was a small child I was drawing, painting, and modeling with clay, but I didn’t know I wanted to be an artist. As I grew up I tried to be many other things. I studied nutrition at Cornell University, I was a personal trainer and fitness coach, I was a farm hand and horse groom, I was a professional dog trainer, I became a wife and a mom… I had stepped away from art for several years.

After my first child was born I was introduced to pottery, and it felt like coming home. It was then that I knew that I had always been an artist.

Since then, I have been exploring what art means to me, why I am drawn to create, and how to construct a life as a working artist. For me, the life of a piece of art comes from it’s evidence of process. Where early on I used to focus on the product, to the point of total self-sabotage, I now treat artistic expression as a practice… similar to yoga. It is not easy, nor do I believe it should be. The energy of art comes from the work that goes into it’s creation, precisely why it is called a WORK of art.


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